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Amanda Billark
Amanda Billark

Akendi Alumnus

Top 10 UX Blogs of 2017

To celebrate the new year we’ve rounded up our top 10 most read blogs of 2017:

1. The Art of Asking Questions

The quality of the information relies entirely on the quality of the questions we ask.  This article explains the fundamentals of using open and closed questions to elicit quality information necessary in UX research and design.

2. Beware of UX Charlatans

As the demand for UX services has grown, the number of companies and people claiming they can do ‘UX’ has grown exponentially. Here are three questions you should ask to determine if that ‘UX Consultant’ you’re about to hire is qualified for the job.

3.  Five User Experience Research Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore

What makes an experience successful is quite simple. It needs to be useful (makes people buy), usable (keeps users using/buy more) and satisfying. Achieving this is, however, not simple.

4. Not Choosing Sides: Customer Experiences vs. User Experiences

Both UX and CX benefit greatly by researched and documented experience blueprints and experience maps that encompass both customer and user experiences. Why you shouldn’t pick sides.

5. The Toronto Police Car Design Dilemma

When important design decisions are made on a whim, it never ends well. A look at the recent cop car debacle in Toronto and how it could have been avoided.

6. The Secret to Wow Users Through Interaction Design

Do you really want to wow your users with awesome interaction design? These tips are for you!

7. The Misconception of Age & Tech Savviness

When we think of tech-savvy users, we probably imagine a younger person. This huge misconception is due to the incorrect belief that older users do not want or cannot use technology. Where did the misconception that older users are less tech savvy come from?

8. Why is Usability Testing Important?

Usability Testing is an essential aspect of any user-centred approach that puts the user at the centre of the development process. Why you can’t afford to skip this important part of the UX process.

9. When a Business Case is Not Enough, Add the Experience Case

Why should you consider developing an experience case? It answers first and foremost IF we should proceed with the initiative.

10. Web Typography: Top 3 Tips

Have you ever come across a website with absolutely terrible typography? Chances are you didn’t stick around too long. Following some basic steps and guidelines will help designers make sound decisions when it comes to web typography.

What was your favourite Akendi blog of 2017? Please let us know in the comments below.
Amanda Billark
Amanda Billark

Akendi Alumnus

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