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New products and novel design approaches have the potential to revolutionize the market, but they also have the potential to be a complete flop. Our collection of Innovation blogs explores new technologies and breakthrough devices as well as strategies for organizations to innovate their products, methods and ideas.

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Fail Fast Better in UX

By Scott Plewes


The Fail Fast approach in UX design can work, but only if you learn. Failing by itself is no guarantee of that. By definition, it's just the...

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What is Your AI’s EQ?

By Scott Plewes


Artificial Intelligence (AI) can walk a strange line between people and technology. On the one hand, it is "just computing." On the other...

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Making Music with HAL

By Dan Iaboni

During a recent meetup focused on the application of ChatGPT, a startup presented their new AI-assisted music generation tool. The purpose of...

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