Flexible and collaborative engagements that meet you where you are

Traditional approaches that shoehorn you into one way of working may not meet your needs in the reality of your business or initiative. We'll support you and together find the best approach.

— Get in touch with us
Additional Support

Augmented Teams

When you need to add capacity, an embedded team from Akendi can help you ship faster, hit your milestones, and improve quality, without taxing your existing resources.

Our people are deeply integrated into your functional team, led by you, and working towards your objectives. This solution solves your skills gap and is a tactical way to help you move the needle quickly.

Tailored to your needs

Bespoke Teams

If you have a new initiative and no internal resources available, or are establishing an in-house UX team, Akendi will build you a custom team to meet your roadmap objectives.

The Akendi team integrates into your organization and delivers your UX project from strategy to production. As your resources become available, you can transition them into a high-performing team.

Just leave it to us

Project Teams

Need support from soup to nuts and not sure how to begin or what structure best suits your goals? Let us guide you through your initiative with a cross-functional project team.

We'll help you add clarity to your requirements and create results through our proven process.

Grow your team

Coaching & Mentoring

Engage our experts to work hands on with your team, transferring valuable knowledge and learnings through a variety of methods. Bring expertise onboard so your team can learn by doing.

Who We work with

Market value relies on your ability to turn a great idea into a successful customer and user experience. Our extensive experience across multiple industries gives us a unique and informed perspective.

Check out our work

UX Courses and certification

Our professional UX certification program will give you a firm grasp of the UX creation process, tools, and techniques. This complete course combines in-depth theory with practical application exercises.

Explore our ux courses

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