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Dominira Saul
Dominira Saul

Akendi Alumnus

T’was the Night Before Kwanza

T’was the night before Kwanza

And all through the home

Not a creature was stirring

Except dad and mom


They struggled and sweated

And panted and swore

And cussed at each other,

At their own hair they tore


What was it you ask

Caused such ruckus and clatter

On such a festive occasion

What could be the matter?


Parental controls on Johnny’s tablet you know

Had dad steaming and fuming and ready to blow.

Creating accounts and configuring settings

Had mom regretting the smartphone that Suzy was getting


Technology so small yet so hard and complex

Mom just made phone calls… and sent occasional texts.

Social media and cloud, mobile web and Hangouts,

Were mysteries to dad, like quantum physics no doubt.


Now just when you think that all hope was lost

That because of complexity the gifts would be tossed

There sprung from the chimney in clothes oh so trendy

The user experience team from Akendi


They had skills in IA, so stuff could be found

Their usability testing was the best kind around

The design team’s GUIs were so clean and aesthetic

Without their help products could be really pathetic


Akendi helps make products that are easy to use

So simple that users are never confused

So for Kwanza, Hanukah, Christmas and Festivus too

We wish good user experiences… from Akendi to you.

Dominira Saul
Dominira Saul

Akendi Alumnus

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Great idea. I remember doing something like this at a Design Interpretive Christmas party at Nortel. very well done.

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